The Problem
The challenge placed before us was stated as follows:
How can we increase the evangelistic satisfaction and effectiveness of Campus Crusade for Christ staff so that more lost students are presented with the gospel in culturally appropriate, positive ways and more students decide to place their trust in Christ?
This problem of course presumes some measure of evangelistic dissatisfaction and ineffectiveness among our staff. In attempting to better understand the causes of this, and to discover solutions, we conducted six streams of research. We:
- Surveyed Campus Crusade Staff to learn about their experiences in evangelism.
- Conducted focus groups with Unbelievers to learn how they perceive Christians and our message.
- Interviewed New Believers to learn what helped them come to faith.
- Interviewed External Leaders to learn how organizations other than Crusade are conducting evangelism.
- Read several books on Culture and Evangelism to learn from those with expertise outside our predominant skill set.
- Read several books on combining Good Words with Good Deeds to learn about a topic in which we are particularly inexperienced.
On this site you’ll find summaries of the lessons learned from each research stream, our analysis and proposals, full reports from each research stream, suggestions on implementing the proposals, and personal lessons learned by the team members.
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